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Value, the amount of importance we place into/ onto something. That "thing'", can either be tangible or just an idea. We all value things differently. We all digest information differently. which in turn makes us value things differently. There are several areas of life that values are really important, not only for yourself but how to understand how others value things. Understanding how others place value can help you when interacting with people.

The first and most important value scale to understand is your own. You need to understand what you value and the importance of them. What is law in your life? Once you figure that out, use that as a guide line for who you allow into your life. Your life is determined by how you interact with people. If you add people into your life that are not adding value to you, then they could be taking from you. It could be physically, mentally, emotionally etc. 

Relationships are the one thing we can't get away from, unless you never speak to anyone, ever! From friends, to your partner, family, business. All of the relationships have to hold some value in your life. You place them in order to make sure they prosper and/ or stay where they should. For those who are religious and Christian, the golden rule is to keep your relationship with god first. Then everything comes after that.

Interacting with people who don't belong is useless. If you're in a relationship and your partner is not supporting you emotionally, physically, mentally then what is the point? If they are not adding to you, then what are they there for? You don't foster relationships that have no value. Letting go of people who do not add value to you can be necessary to get where and what you want out of life. You can't be friends or in a relationship with someone who do not believe in your goals.

I value my mental, physical and emotional growth. I cannot foster relationships with someone who do not value those aspects in life. This allows me to have conversations and ideas that are shaped in the same value scale that I have. I value having a home and a stable lifestyle, so I have friends that have the same values. Your values inform your conversation and actions. Your values guide you to the right relationships, to better decisions and ultimately being the best you. Values are not just for talking points either, they are for you to put into action. You have to live by these values so that you are able to achieve mental, physical, and emotional growth etc.


Understanding your values help you decipher who gets what from you. Everyone does not deserve your time. Even your anger. Getting upset with someone who simply does not share the same values as you, is a waste of time.  " Arguing with a fool only proves that there are two".  Values are not always the same nor do they all hold the same weight, however it is important to surround yourself around people who can strengthen and improve them. You cannot improve in something you don't have. So start understanding what you value and start adding in people who can add to you.

Keep Moving Forward

-Airika Nicole